Some of our lovely Team are having to step down for personal
reasons and they will all be missed greatly by all of us.
But we would like to wish them all well for the future.
For the next 2 weeks we are putting out a DT Call.
reasons and they will all be missed greatly by all of us.
But we would like to wish them all well for the future.
For the next 2 weeks we are putting out a DT Call.
We would like to add 3 new fun playmates to our little family,
who can start from January 2018.
who can start from January 2018.
So if you've ever thought you'd like to have a go then why not apply.
No DT experience needed.
We welcome all Styles and Projects.
Want to know whats involved :-
You will need your own Blog, Facebook and Email.
You need to be willing to work with any Sponsor.
You will be required to provide 1 project a fortnight, using the Theme of the Week.
We need it uploading to our Facebook DT Page by Midnight GMT on Fridays.
We need you to Blog your Project on Sundays at 9am GMT
with the Sponsors details on your Blog,
and enter it into other challenges
to get the work of our Sponsors out there.
Post your Project on our FB Fan Page on your assigned Inspiration Day.
You will be required to comment on 2 out of every 10 Entries,
on an assigned numbers once a fortnight.
You will in return, get some fabulous Digi Images to work with
from our generous Sponsors.
Other than that we just want you to have fun
You need to be willing to work with any Sponsor.
You will be required to provide 1 project a fortnight, using the Theme of the Week.
We need it uploading to our Facebook DT Page by Midnight GMT on Fridays.
We need you to Blog your Project on Sundays at 9am GMT
with the Sponsors details on your Blog,
and enter it into other challenges
to get the work of our Sponsors out there.
Post your Project on our FB Fan Page on your assigned Inspiration Day.
You will be required to comment on 2 out of every 10 Entries,
on an assigned numbers once a fortnight.
You will in return, get some fabulous Digi Images to work with
from our generous Sponsors.
Other than that we just want you to have fun
Thanks for reading.
If you're interested could you please just leave a link to your blog below .
Thank you from Samantha
and all the DT Girls.
Look forward to meeting you.
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
Would love to implement that information for me.
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Ik zag opmerkingen van mensen die hun lening al van meneer Pedro hadden gekregen en ik besloot om onder hun aanbevelingen een aanvraag in te dienen. Slechts 5 dagen later bevestigde ik mijn lening op mijn bankrekening, een totaalbedrag van $ 850.000,00 waar ik om vroeg. Dit is echt geweldig nieuws en ik adviseer iedereen die een echte leningverstrekker nodig heeft om via hun e-mail een aanvraag in te dienen: pedroloanss@gmail.com. Ik ben nu blij dat ik de lening heb gekregen waar ik om vroeg.